neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

Results of the beta

My RE's office called yesterday afternoon while I was hosting a conference call. Luckily the other people on the call were in their own conversation, so I could take the call.

After 7 years of trying, 5 with the RE, 3 operations and 5 attempts, we finally got our first positive beta!!!! My level was 111 (17 dpo) which is right in the normal range, and I'm guessing we currently have a singleton. The nurse was fantastic and very giggly (much like me). We're next scheduled for an ultra-sound on the 7th of March - I cannot wait! I know it's still really, really early, but I'm still completely out of my mind with excitement.

And now I go back to hyperventilating. I'M FREAKING PREGNANT!!!!!

Thank you to everyone for your crossed fingers, toes and other good wishes. *g*
x-posted to ivf
Tags: ivf

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