Now, a less impulsive person would have given this some thought, you know, decided what they wanted the end result to look like or maybe check the weather reports! I on the other hand was trying to match paint chips as hubby was starting the car. On the way we decided that we should replace the side panel which has slowly been damaged by rain splashing on the front step. (As an aside, if anyone has a fool-proof way to keep their gutters clear please do share - our oak and pines clog the gutters almost monthly)
Late Sunday morning, after a four-hour Corrie marathon I got back at it. Hubby had to head in to the college to get his class prep ready so I was on my own. Before he left he installed the new panel (I knew he'd hog the air nailer *g*). I then sanded it and primed it. Just as I got the inside of the door finished the weather changed completely. You can see it in the picture, it looked like it was going to pour.
Once I have the front door done, I noticed the garage door was looking a little rough, and all of the brick needs to be repainted. By all, I mean *all* oh, and it's not some smooth type brick, the fancy-pants builder decided to squish the grout out between all the bricks. Sometimes when I look at it I picture ripping it all off and replacing it with something that's easier to maintain.
I'm not even going to bother with a note to self for next time, I'm a lost cause.