neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

Dear Brother-in-Law;

I am laying down the law. You are no longer allowed to leave the city, or if you do, you must take your pregnant wife with you. If you do take her with you, please ensure she is well protected, in perhaps a layer or two of bubble-wrap. I would suggest that you also do not allow her to drive, and I believe this will be easier now as her Smart car became a Smashed car this afternoon.

While I appreciate the opportunity to ditch my afternoon conference calls, and that it was in no way her fault that the driver behind her was shoulder checking rather than verifying the status of the stopped traffic in front of him, it was none the less shocking to receive a call from my sister in labour and delivery, knowing you were out of town.

I am extremely thankful that her bloodwork and ultrasound were okay, and that baby was well protected. It was cool listening to the baby's heartbeat all afternoon, and I enjoyed distracting her with various photos on my laptop, but for all our sakes I don't think we should risk repeating this afternoon anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, I would do it again in a heartbeat, but let's not take any chances.


One frazzled sister.

ps - On the bright side, baby names - Crashta or Crashtopher!

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