Saturday I had breakfast with my sister and a friend, then off to the spa for pedicures all around. Hubby surprised me by arranging with my sis to pay for my tootsie pampering too! After we dropped Patti off, Stella and I took in the Sens game, (they won!) Stella's pretty funny, she's calculated how many games she'll miss based on when they'll induce. She's hoping to be able to make the playoffs in April *g*. Saturday night we relaxed at home.
I finished reading Marley & Me Saturday night, and bawled my eyes out. What an amazing book. I spent the first day of reading actually laughing out loud at the antics of this dog, and last night blubbering like a baby. I'm amazed I didn't wake hubby.
Sunday I was awake early enough to do a fairly decent job of beating my house into shape to have peeps over for a crop in the afternoon. I even had time to bake cookies! It was a small group, so I thought I would be able to get some cropping done, but they kept me hopping! I have this feeling that my work week isn't going to be nearly as good.