neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

Game on!

This morning hubby woke up to a 14C (57F) house. He spent a great deal of time complaining about how cold it was, how uncomfortable it was, and when he brought the garbage to the curb, he claimed his hair froze when he came back in. It was -4C (25F) outside. Dude, I'm not buying it.

I repeatedly let him know that if he was that uncomfortable he should turn on the furnace. There was no ulterior motive, I thought it was a practical suggestion. But he refused. Not only did he refuse, he indicated that I should be the one to turn on the furnace, otherwise known as caving. I could tell by the tone of his voice. Well, we just know that won't be happening now! I was all set to turn on the furnace before we went out to dinner last night, but he talked me out of it, and now he's set it up as a battle of wills. I am at a slight disadvantage in that I am home all day, but with the sun streaming in the windows it got up to 17C in here today, and I've always got the cat and Sasha to cuddle with.

Bring it on!

Oh ya, you Americans need to get metricified, I'm tired of these conversions *g*
Tags: silliness

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