it depdns on what worlks for your body, soem have alergic reaction dont dontm buying sheap and non-cheap works yes but , depdns , you put the pros and cons and see whats best, the cosmetic as said, well there time were i had to buy somthign cheap to pull me overfor a week or a few days and i tell you it efected me, when i go tmy mony i bought the good stuf and no efcts,
ex, cheap jelery im alergic to chepa stuf *jelery liek silerver and gold and stuf* i get a reaction on it, the real thing or hype i dotn get a reaction, thi sis just an example,
if you buy cheap soem tiem it dont last as logn, it also depdns on what it is to, so it dpens on a persoans needs and the body reaction
bying shapoos the cheap stuf is ok if you have no chose and need the cleanes but its nto good fo rthe hair, my hair gets dirter fast and greasy,
filers and stuf it relay depdns, if its beter for mony or beter for your self, if it saves here and there, , waigh the pros and cons
I think that may be the longest and most randomly punctuated sentence ever. *g*