I do believe it's knitting! In a house full of babies and knitwits I managed to get some knitting done. Yes it's new knitting, and no it's not very exciting knitting, but it is knitting! I really didn't need to start another project with 20 or so UFOs taking up my needle stash, but it was the quickest thing I could grab on the way out the door.
Sunday Victoria and I spent the entire day with the wits. Although we didn't have all the kids and adults there at the same time, we did manage to have all 5 kids (born in the past 13 mos) together and all 7 adults together during the day. It was sooo nice to see everyone, it's been since before I gave birth that we were together. It was also wonderful of Paddylou to put up with us AND feed us. The very observant among you will note that there were 2 more adults than children. And I'd say at that ratio the odds were almost even *g*.
I only managed to do the standard 60 stitches 2 by 2 rib cuff while I was out, and only decided when I got home to do a patterned sock. So I've decided to make the 'Children's French Sock' an adult sized sock from Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks.
I am getting better at finding time to knit. I also realized that part of the reason I wasn't knitting that often was that I've also started up about 10 other hobbies and I haven't made the time for it. I have to remember to haul out the knitting and the reading every now and then.
And on that note, I need to figure out how to type and knit *g*.