1. Favorite scent: Old English Roses
2. Favorite way to relax: Reading on the beach
3. Favorite movie you own: Dirty Dancing (need I say it - yummy Patrick Swayze?)
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: The Sound of Music
5. Favorite male movie star: Brad Pitt (mmmm Brad Pitt *drool*)
6. Favorite female movie star: Bette Davis
7. Favorite book genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
8. Favorite clothing store: Anywhere that is having a sale
9. Favorite non-clothing store: Wool stores
10. Favorite cartoon character: Calvin
11. Favorite CD you own: Hmm, probably something from The Who - maybe Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy?
12. Favorite CD you don't already own: Soundtrack to Chicago
13. Pass the torch to five of your favorite LJ friends!: Nah, not this time.