First midway
First ride on the carousel (she was not impressed that Daddy had to go with her)
First taste of cotton candy (followed by many more)
First time she pet a cow
First time she heard a real cow moo
First time she saw a sheep, and another sheep and another...
First time she saw wool being spun
First lumberjack show
First time she encountered a pumpkin that weighed 10x as much as she does
I loved watching her take everything in. It made my heart swell when she *demanded* to go on the ride. She knew the one she wanted, and even though her pop hadn't seen it she directed him to it. She played with the interactive displays. She cast a wary eye on the antique engines coughing and sputtering away. She wasn't completely intimidated by the cows, they were babies after all, only weighing 500lbs or so.
The day was beautiful, perfect really. The afternoon in the sun zapped her, and she napped on the way home. Last night as we were tucking her in to bed, she asked it we could go back 'tomorrow'. Luckily the Carp Fair is next weekend.