neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

The Sens may not be winning on the ice these days, but they are winning in my daughter's heart.  I have discovered that if there's one thing the Sens organization does well, it's that they treat their junior fans like gold. At SensFest we signed V up as a Sparty's Kids Club All-Star member. For $20 V received her membership card, a cool lunchbox, a shirt and cup...which I thought was a great deal itself.

A couple of weeks ago we received an invite to Sparty's party at Saunder's Farm in Munster.  Not only did V get in for free, 2 parents could go for the price of one! We took our free pumpkin coupon (from the Kids Club kit) with us, stopped for some fortification at Timmies and off we went.

V chatted the whole way there about the birthday party and was very happy to see the Sens booth set up when we arrived. She was even excited about the cardboard cutout Sparty. We soon learned that the real Sparty would be stopping by at noon, and headed into the park for some fun.

V spied some climbing structures and headed for them immediately. We then found our way to the pumpkin patch wagon ride and hopped on. Then off in the patch, where we tried to get some cool fall shots with the pumpkins. Unfortunately, V was chasing the pumpkins rather enthusiastically and tripped on a vine. Luckily her nose stopped the rest of her face from smashing into a pumpkin, but her first nose bleed sort of put a damper on her excitement. We finally found a great pumpkin to bring home and carve, and we hopped back on the next tractor that came by.

When we returned from the field we ran right into Sparty (as well as our friend Deb who was there with her own little one). V was so excited to get a card signed by him, and while she might have been super shy when she was right beside him, she danced a little jig for the next 10 minutes.

Lunch was up next, and that included some Sparty birthday cake! Finally it was time to head home. V made a brief dash over to the big mazes, but quickly realized just how chilly she was so we headed for the heat of the van. (Yes, hubby cranked it, yes she fell asleep immediately).

We didn't cover a great portion of the park and there were lots of activities for older children as well. But our tired little girl had a wonderful day thanks to Sparty and Saunder's Farm. I'm sure it will be a summer destination next year, V loves mazes and it looks like they have some great ones.


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