neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

If my heart wasn't black before this...

In the good news column, I've crafted, and I'm using my long-neglected craft supplies up.

Somewhere in the last couple of weeks I decided that I really didn't want Dora or Cars all over V's valentines. Not that I'm particularly against either, I just *hate* that everything you try to buy for your kid has some other product smeared all over it. I've also just realized that it's a bit crazy since she's giving the damn things away.

So I started cutting, but we couldn't have single layer cards, so that's technically 44 cutouts:

Then, I decided those edges needed fancifying:

And because I love doing the same thing 22 times over, I thought the bottom card needed sprucing up. This was also a chance for V to help, she loves stamping:

A sane person would just smack a bit of tape or glue on the damn things and be done. I'm not sane (effing grommets will be the death of me):


Yes that is a gabillion little hearts on those ornaments and of course they needed to be drawn on. The three-year olds would have complained otherwise:

Now I'm freaking out because I haven't done any for the teachers.

(Shortly before I finished these hubby and V returned from swimming. On the way home he stopped at the drug store and picked up some Dora valentines *sigh*)

pps - oh look, I've got a spot on my lens. Joy.

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