neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

Knitting goodness

I have so many projects on the go right now. I am definitely an ADHD knitter. Off the top of my head, I can think of 5 sweaters, 3 pair of socks, and a baby jacket I have on the needles. That doesn't include the mountains of wool I have stashed waiting for projects. I have enough stickies stuck in books and magazines to cripple an army of knitters.

As I couln't think of 10 projects on the needles, I decided I needed to start 2 more. When I was on the knitting retreat this spring, I visited the Shrine in Kingston and ordered a bunch of Briggs and Little (or as I prefer - Briggs and Straton) and my knitwit buddies had given me a collection of patterns that were written specifically for this wool.

First off, I decided I would knit a lapghan for my mom's birthday (note lapghan on laptop):

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In case you're wondering, the patterned areas are maple leaves. It's really too bad I can't get a better pic of this. I'm about 40% done, and her birthday is Sept 23 *eep*

Next we have the shawl. Yes, I said shawl. It is a pretty awesome pattern, and my first attempt at kniting lace. I have 83 rows done, there are 361 in the pattern. This shawl will be 7' wide when/if it's done.

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I have used a sample of the shawl pattern instructions as the background for my journal. It really makes me bug-eyed.

The wool I'm using is really pretty, it looks rust, but there are greens and blues woven in.
Tags: crafts, knitting

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