neeroc (neeroc) wrote,

Celtic Tiger

This show was a disappointment. I had previously seen Lord of the Dance live and Riverdance on TV, so I was expecting a bit of Flatley ego, and much Celtic style dancing.

His celebration of Irish history was easy enough to follow. From the druids to St. Patrick to British rule to 1916. It flowed well. However, his dancers are not ballet dancers. He should not dress them up as butterflies and ladybugs and flowers and make them dance modern ballet. Keep them in their hard shoes. It was strange that he opened the show in Roman costumes, but I'll overlook that.

The second part of the show was plain bizarre. It started with a girl in a stewardess uniform dancing in 4" stilettos. She then stripped down to a star-spangled bikini - let's all say it together - WTF?

Then there was a nice tap number. He touched on some other forms of dance in a montage - tango, salsa, ballet, hiphop...

It then became almost a celebration of famous Irish figures, including the late Pope??, Sinead O'Connor (nice to put them together), Ronald Regan, JFK, and Bono. Oh - I almost forgot the best part of the video montage, it ended with a shot of the space shuttle launch and then one of the lunar scenes, with an Irish flag in place of the American flag. (??) Then we were treated to a red, white and blue extravaga including a square dance, with the girls looking like Daisy Duke's impression of square-dress.

Then, back to the chick in the star-spangled bikini, faking Yankee Doodle Dandy on a flute. The last 3 numbers were done to YDD. Maybe it plays well to an American audience, but it wasn't exactly the show I expected.

I would seriously recommend avoiding this show. Flatley hardly dances at all (he may as well have stayed retired) and although the first and last numbers are kick-ass footwork, they aren't enough to overcome the very disappointing show.
Tags: concerts

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