I keep forgetting how old I am. This should be fairly simple for me, I was born in Jan/70 so most of the year my age ends in the same number as the year - but nooo I spent 32 thinking I was 31 and this year I keep thinking I'm 36!
I have decided that I'm not happy with my current weight. When I quit smoking (the 2nd last time) I gained 25lbs immediately. This was fairly traumatic for me, as I had been the same clothing size since I was 15. I outgrew my entire wardrobe all at once. About 3 years ago I quasi-did WW, and ended up losing 12lbs. Since then I've gained about 6 of those back. I've had it, I'm putting my foot down, and I will be losing 27lbs (yes 10 more than my original weight, but a) I want to get my BMI down, b) it's a weight I always wanted to be and c)I need the challenge). I'm not sure how I'm going to do this yet, but it will involve running and lots of water. I had started smoking again, but the pounds didn't melt away like I expected, so that went out the window. I have discovered that I'm a boredom eater. I sit here studying, stuffing my face with chips or popcorn. Water is my new secret weapon.
I haven't yet been to a Sens game this season, but that changes on Thursday! We've got tickets for dinner and the game with a group of old pals. Yes it is the night before my exam, but I didn't realize that when I agreed to go!
I have freaked myself out so badly with studying this week that I keep thinking today is Wednesday. Yay bonus day!
And with that I'm taking this body buzz and hitting the hay.